Allied Public Risk

Total business insurance
solutions for the public sector.

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(855) 492-1409
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Welcome to Allied Public Risk:
Your Public Sector Insurance Resource

Allied Public Risk is a specialized underwriting manager with exclusive concentration on the esoteric insurance needs of the public sector. We provide innovative, responsive and tailored insurance products to public agencies, water-related entities, emergency service organizations, and investor owned utilities throughout the United States. Our facility comprises primary, self-insured, and pooling solutions. Each product line exhibits competitive pricing and proprietary coverage as well as segment-specific underwriting expertise and meaningful risk management resources.

Types of Public Entities We Insure


Special Service Districts Water Related Entities
Investor Owned Utilities
Emergency Service Organizations

K-12 Schools
Community Colleges
Charter Schools

Group Risks (pools) comprised of any of the entities listed here

Rely on our Public Entity insurance expertise to provide your insured with cover.

Learn more about our Public Entity Program and how we can best serve your government entity insureds. Contact any member of our staff at the telephone numbers indicated within the “Our Team” section of this site.